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Lietuvos čemp. ilga → Split times

LTU, Siponys, Birštono sav., 2014-09-07

Split times of participant Šiurna Osvaldas

Class V14

Course 4.8 km 10 C

Cabsolute intervalbestdifference * Length
min/km Mistake **PlaceSuperman
17211:14:448:445:41 3:0354% 66813:04 0:1418Šulčys K.
212211:40:2525:417:40 18:01235% 93627:26 14:1327Davidavičius A.
36011:43:433:182:40 0:3824% 32210:14  7Šamanskas A.
43711:51:387:554:42 3:1368% 67311:45 0:5316Šamanskas A.
57011:58:006:222:49 3:33126% 40415:45 2:0924Šulčys K.
66312:03:255:253:09 2:1672% 37814:19 0:4213Piličiauskas D., Kaušakys D.
78012:07:304:052:58 1:0738% 38710:33  13Davidavičius A.
85512:10:232:532:27 0:2618% 3278:49  12Mitrikas D., Kaušakys D.
96712:13:533:301:01 2:29244% 16121:44 1:5925Klibavičius E.
1010012:19:435:501:49 4:01221% 35216:34 3:0726Kaušakys D.
Result1:14:0134:56 38:47 111%  460816:03 23:1720

* the positive difference is between the participants time and the best time, the negative difference is between the participants time if best and the second best time.

** mistake is recorded, if participant is more than 10 seconds behind his graph. Mistakes of more than 1 minute are ignored to calculate graph.