Место | Фамилия, Имя | Страна | Клуб, Город | Очки | Время | Так же... |
1 |
Eensaar Silver | SKM! | 392 | 17:08:41 | ||
2 |
Hiie Armo | EST1 | 392 | 17:54:49 | MV 1 | |
3 |
Lahtmäe Lauri | EST1 | 392 | 17:54:51 | MV 2 | |
4 |
Kalinin Oleg | Red fox Russia | 392 | 18:44:21 | ||
4 |
Dombrovski Evgeni | Red fox Russia | 392 | 18:44:21 | ||
6 |
Shpetnyi Volodymyr | SV | 392 | 20:34:05 | MV 3 | |
6 |
Savchenko Viacheslav | SV | 392 | 20:34:05 | MV 3 | |
8 |
Roopõld Riho | Adventure Club Xdream | 392 | 21:36:49 | ||
9 |
Liblik Urmo | Adventure Club Xdream | 392 | 21:36:50 | ||
10 |
Koniukhov Taras | Kozaki | 392 | 22:01:19 | ||
11 |
Marchenko Konstantin | Kozaki | 392 | 22:01:20 | ||
12 |
Kot Vladimir | RunLab | 392 | 22:41:35 | ||
13 |
Gavrilov Evgeni | RunLab | 392 | 22:41:38 | ||
14 |
Davidsson Jonas | Transalpine | 392 | 23:46:38 | MV 5 | |
15 |
Lehtla Reigo | Transalpine | 392 | 23:46:39 | MV 6 | |
16 |
Pritsik Aleksander | Gäng | 392 | 23:48:02 | MV 7 | |
16 |
Väärsi Jaak | Gäng | 392 | 23:48:02 | MV 7 | |
18 |
Eensaar Rain | SKM! | 387 | 17:08:46 | ||
19 |
Tonis Alexandr | RunForFun | 382 | 23:55:48 | ||
19 |
Golikov Alexei | RunForFun | 382 | 23:55:48 | ||
21 |
Pinola Jukka | Buff | 380 | 21:30:01 | ||
22 |
Niemelä Ville | Buff | 380 | 21:30:03 | ||
23 |
Lucāns Nikolajs | 24 stundas SK | 380 | 21:43:04 | MV 9 | |
23 |
Raimonds Lapins | 24 stundas SK | 380 | 21:43:04 | MV 9 | |
25 |
Kakko Mairolt | Bona Fide | 380 | 22:10:55 | MV 11 | |
25 |
Överus Priit | Bona Fide | 380 | 22:10:55 | MV 11 | |
27 |
Mospan Serhii | Azimut Club | 380 | 22:47:28 | MJ 1 | |
28 |
Kovbasyuk Mykola | Azimut Club | 380 | 22:47:30 | MJ 2 | |
29 |
Vārna Aigars | Uncles from okzk.lv | 380 | 23:03:35 | MV 13 | |
29 |
Leja Andris | Uncles from okzk.lv | 380 | 23:03:35 | MV 13 | |
31 |
Skrubis Ainārs | Uncles from okzk.lv | 380 | 23:03:36 | MV 15 | |
32 |
Temiakov Andrei | Rostov on Don | 375 | 21:31:59 | ||
32 |
Temiakov Vladimir | Rostov on Don | 375 | 21:31:59 | ||
34 |
Kolganov Evgeni | Chasing daylight | 374 | 23:04:33 | ||
34 |
Fedosov Filip | Chasing daylight | 374 | 23:04:33 | ||
36 |
Demeshchik Pavel | Demeshchik Erokhin | 370 | 23:26:39 | ||
37 |
Erokhin Dmitri | Demeshchik Erokhin | 370 | 23:26:41 | ||
38 |
Davidovich Dzmitry | BSU | 369 | 23:33:14 | ||
39 |
Chaharyn Ivan | BSU | 369 | 23:33:15 | ||
40 |
Reha Jaanus | Reta | 361 | 20:02:45 | MV 16 | |
41 |
Tali Tiit | Reta | 361 | 20:02:46 | MV 17 | |
42 |
Vimba Mārtiņš | Geomafia | 359 | 21:12:15 | ||
43 |
Rubenis Guntars | Geomafia | 359 | 21:12:16 | ||
44 |
Luud Aivar | Estonian Ultrarunners | 358 | 23:56:10 | MV 18 | |
45 |
Vellerind Rain | Estonian Ultrarunners | 358 | 23:56:11 | MV 19 | |
46 |
Tasa Johannes | ISC | 356 | 23:47:47 | MSV 1 | |
47 |
Kivikas Arvo | ISC | 356 | 23:47:49 | MSV 2 | |
48 |
Krochmal Andrzej | Galeria Warszawa KB | 353 | 22:55:23 | MV 20 | |
48 |
Golen Jan | Galeria Warszawa KB | 353 | 22:55:23 | MV 20 | |
50 |
Lavrinovich Artem | Moscow | 346 | 22:30:15 | ||
51 |
Miroshkin Sergei | Moscow | 346 | 22:30:16 | ||
52 |
Marchuk Ilya | MinskOnsight | 346 | 23:08:10 | ||
53 |
Marchuk Valeri | MinskOnsight | 346 | 23:08:11 | ||
54 |
Biezais Jānis | LB 61 | 346 | 23:46:28 | MSV 3 | |
55 |
Lukačovs Helmuts | LB 61 | 346 | 23:46:29 | MSV 4 | |
56 |
Zhegusov Oleg | OLLE Aleksandrino | 342 | 23:44:21 | MSV 5 | |
57 |
Kopelevich Aleksandr | OLLE Aleksandrino | 342 | 23:44:22 | MSV 6 | |
58 |
Tereshkin Alexandr | OLLE Aleksandrino | 342 | 23:44:23 | MSV 7 | |
59 |
Karppinen Juha | Ihan Hukassa | 337 | 20:37:45 | MV 22 | |
60 |
Artimo Antti | Ihan Hukassa | 337 | 20:37:49 | MV 23 | |
61 |
Saarepera Indrek | MI 16 | 334 | 22:52:09 | MV 24 | |
62 |
Aunin Martin | MI 16 | 334 | 22:52:12 | MV 25 | |
63 |
Sostatski Anatoli | Inteps | 332 | 23:57:53 | MV 26 | |
63 |
Amelin Vasili | Inteps | 332 | 23:57:53 | MV 26 | |
65 |
Nõmmik Heigo | Pille OK | 329 | 23:55:11 | ||
66 |
Ottas Olavi | Pille OK | 329 | 23:55:12 | ||
67 |
Antonov Egor | Azimuth RA | 326 | 23:51:46 | ||
68 |
Rusakov Sergei | Azimuth RA | 326 | 23:51:48 | ||
69 |
Magone Kristaps | Meridiāns OK | 325 | 23:50:19 | MJ 3 | |
69 |
Linde Valdis | Meridiāns OK | 325 | 23:50:19 | MJ 3 | |
71 |
Dimitrov Boris | BGR 2011 | 324 | 22:47:38 | ||
72 |
Sablin Lavorskii Garynia | BGR 2011 | 324 | 22:47:40 | ||
73 |
Januškevičius Regimantas | Fortūna OK, Vilnius | 324 | 23:08:08 | MV 28 | |
74 |
Jadenkus Evaldas | Fortūna OK, Vilnius | 324 | 23:08:09 | MV 29 | |
75 |
Shcheglov Maksim | Aloha | 324 | 23:24:47 | ||
76 |
Martynov Sergei | Aloha | 324 | 23:24:50 | ||
77 |
Korrol Mati | Mercury | 319 | 18:47:06 | ||
78 |
Piht Danilo | Mercury | 319 | 18:47:07 | ||
79 |
Heno Ivanov | H&K | 319 | 22:11:15 | ||
79 |
Tammeoja Kristo | H&K | 319 | 22:11:15 | ||
81 |
Berzins Maris | escape.lv | 318 | 17:43:21 | ||
81 |
Berzins Reinis | escape.lv | 318 | 17:43:21 | ||
83 |
Pikurs Guntis | escape.lv | 318 | 17:43:22 | ||
84 |
Orlov Alexandr | VN | 318 | 23:47:56 | MSV 8 | |
84 |
Cherkesov Sergei | VN | 318 | 23:47:56 | MSV 8 | |
86 |
Mazan Bartlomiej | Wiking, Szczecin | 316 | 23:10:30 | MJ 5 | |
87 |
Andrzejewski Michal | Wiking, Szczecin | 316 | 23:10:31 | MJ 6 | |
88 |
Eomois Peep | Festina Lente | 315 | 23:36:41 | MSV 10 | |
89 |
Kuiv Sulev | Festina Lente | 315 | 23:36:42 | MSV 11 | |
90 |
Petersons Gints | Green Power Shoes | 314 | 22:25:11 | ||
90 |
Apšenieks Aldis | Green Power Shoes | 314 | 22:25:11 | ||
92 |
Gailis Ainārs | Green Power Shoes | 314 | 22:25:12 | ||
93 |
Zhirnov Andrei | Manomy | 314 | 23:31:30 | ||
94 |
Matrosenkov Evgeni | Manomy | 314 | 23:31:31 | ||
95 |
Frolov Dmitri | Manomy | 314 | 23:31:32 | ||
96 |
Sankovski Raul | Punkt leitud | 312 | 19:44:28 | MV 30 | |
96 |
Lai Ivar | Punkt leitud | 312 | 19:44:28 | MV 30 | |
98 |
Vejs Abolins Kristaps | Gulbene | 311 | 20:19:44 | MJ 7 | |
99 |
Galvans Emīls | Gulbene | 311 | 20:19:46 | MJ 8 | |
100 |
Perfilyev Alex | Lolwto? | 308 | 23:11:07 | MJ 9 | |
101 |
Ragozin Vladimir | Lolwto? | 308 | 23:11:08 | MJ 10 | |
102 |
Ligienza Krzysztof | Orientop, Wrocław | 307 | 23:37:41 | ||
102 |
Wieszaczewski Jacek | Orientop, Wrocław | 307 | 23:37:41 | ||
104 |
Lassila Ilkka | Viva la Resistance | 306 | 23:39:53 | ||
105 |
Eskelinen Joona | Viva la Resistance | 306 | 23:39:54 | ||
106 |
Enander Peter | Mammon Sweden | 305 | 20:26:41 | MV 32 | |
107 |
Thufvesson | Mammon Sweden | 305 | 20:26:44 | MV 33 | |
108 |
Birks Aivars | Ramblers | 304 | 23:41:34 | ||
108 |
Silinš Sandis | Ramblers | 304 | 23:41:34 | ||
110 |
Lūsis Arne | Aļņi | 303 | 18:31:35 | MV 34 | |
111 |
Brasavs Muižnieks Zintis | Aļņi | 303 | 18:31:37 | MV 35 | |
112 |
Mykhailov Viktor | MIDIZ | 297 | 23:30:51 | ||
112 |
Mykhailov Oleksandr | MIDIZ | 297 | 23:30:51 | ||
114 |
Kotlarz Pawel | Columbia, Byledobiec Anin | 294 | 18:00:28 | ||
115 |
Pakula Pawel | Columbia, Byledobiec Anin | 294 | 18:00:36 | ||
116 |
Lisenenkov Alexander | Avant | 292 | 23:28:41 | MSV 12 | |
116 |
Emelyanov Evgeny | Avant | 292 | 23:28:41 | MSV 12 | |
118 |
Kelya Andriy | MIDIZ | 289 | 22:57:35 | MJ 11 | |
119 |
Demchenko Vyacheslav | MIDIZ | 289 | 22:57:41 | MJ 12 | |
120 |
Kelya Vyacheslav | MIDIZ | 289 | 22:57:43 | MJ 13 | |
121 |
Olju Tiit | Havi käsul | 287 | 23:02:31 | MSV 14 | |
122 |
Aug Paul | Havi käsul | 287 | 23:02:35 | MSV 15 | |
123 |
Aan Aare | Logistikakeskus KV | 281 | 21:49:07 | ||
123 |
Madis Tombak | Logistikakeskus KV | 281 | 21:49:07 | ||
125 |
Kalejs Atis | Rabbit legs | 273 | 19:16:01 | ||
126 |
Treijers Rodrigo | Rabbit legs | 273 | 19:16:03 | ||
127 |
Olbrycht Janusz | Trail | 267 | 23:32:07 | MSV 16 | |
128 |
Lapanowski Jacenty | Trail | 267 | 23:32:13 | MSV 17 | |
129 |
Ago Lauri | Kawe | 253 | 21:47:11 | ||
130 |
Lohmus Andres | Kawe | 253 | 21:47:12 | ||
131 |
Lainema Tommi | Ihan Hukassa | 252 | 12:36:32 | MV 36 | |
132 |
Letychevskyi Oleksandr | O Club | 246 | 15:32:54 | MV 37 | |
133 |
Druzhynin Viacheslav | O Club | 246 | 15:32:56 | MV 38 | |
134 |
Mohammad Ahmed | Bolton wanderers | 244 | 23:17:56 | ||
134 |
Mohammad Shahid | Bolton wanderers | 244 | 23:17:56 | ||
136 |
Vība Guntars | Marmotes | 239 | 18:45:01 | MV 39 | |
136 |
Bērziņš Vitolds | Marmotes | 239 | 18:45:01 | MV 39 | |
138 |
Tkacuks Vasilijs | Baltic Outdoor Agency | 224 | 13:19:56 | ||
139 |
Dombrovskis Mareks | Baltic Outdoor Agency | 224 | 13:19:57 | ||
140 |
Dukulis Ilmars | Mehi | 219 | 13:10:41 | MV 41 | |
141 |
Melkerts Andris | Mehi | 219 | 13:10:46 | MV 42 | |
142 |
Ilp Ragnar | Oskar and friends | 209 | 21:48:20 | ||
142 |
Arro Andres | Oskar and friends | 209 | 21:48:20 | ||
144 |
Paitov Sergei | Omsk | 187 | 11:57:22 | MV 43 | |
145 |
Ragozin Evgeni | Omsk | 187 | 11:57:23 | MV 44 | |
146 |
Vehlmann Jaan | Hermes JK | 127 | 11:08:58 | MSV 18 | |
147 |
Soosalu Arvo | Hermes JK | 127 | 11:09:02 | MSV 19 | |
148 |
Žogla Evalds | Lempji | 120 | 20:15:24 | ||
149 |
Žogla Jazeps | Lempji | 120 | 20:15:28 |