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Daugiadienės VILNIUS → Split times

LTU, Vilnius, 2000-05-14

Split times of participant Voverienė Giedrė

Day 2

Class D

Course 15 C

Cabsolute intervalbestdifference * Mistake **PlaceSuperman
11671:21:235:235:17 0:062%  2Alšauskaitė D.
21461:26:034:402:17 2:23104% 2:2018Alšauskaitė D.
31701:32:086:055:54 0:113%  3Alšauskaitė D.
41501:36:454:374:03 0:3414% 0:2910Jaugėlienė R.
5641:43:467:016:51 0:102%  2Alšauskaitė D.
61721:47:233:373:13 0:2412% 0:203Kazlauskaitė I.
7631:48:521:291:29 -0:11-12%  1Voverienė G.
81471:50:421:501:43 0:077%  2Sargautytė I.
91681:58:407:587:55 0:031%  2Misiūnaitė A.
101452:01:583:183:10 0:084%  2Alšauskaitė D.
11672:05:083:103:10 -0:39-21%  1Voverienė G.
121492:08:453:373:32 0:052%  2Manelytė L.
131532:15:016:166:16 -0:01-0%  1Voverienė G.
141172:17:192:182:09 0:097%  3Misiūnaitė R.
15452:18:521:331:33     1Voverienė G., Sargautytė I.
Result1:03:1558:32 4:20

* the positive difference is between the participants time and the best time, the negative difference is between the participants time if best and the second best time.

** mistake is recorded, if participant is more than 10 seconds behind his graph. Mistakes of more than 1 minute are ignored to calculate graph.