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Daugiadienės VILNIUS → Split times

LTU, Vilnius, 2002-05-10

Split times of participant Valaitė Indrė

Day 1

Class D

Cabsolute intervalbestdifference * Mistake **PlaceSuperman
15815:24:342:342:17 0:1712%  4Arlauskienė R.
23415:28:083:343:29 0:052%  2Kazlauskaitė I.
33915:30:402:322:22 0:107%  2Kazlauskaitė I.
43215:32:241:441:24 0:2024% 0:144Ražaitienė J.
53115:33:150:510:48 0:036%  2Ražaitienė J.
64015:34:311:161:07 0:0913%  5Paužaitė S., Kazlauskaitė I.
74215:36:412:101:47 0:2321% 0:155Kazlauskaitė I.
84315:38:171:361:19 0:1722% 0:113Kazlauskaitė I.
95915:41:513:343:20 0:147%  4Paužaitė S.
104515:43:321:411:36 0:055%  2Ražaitienė J.
114615:45:462:142:12 0:022%  2Kazlauskaitė I.
124815:48:002:142:03 0:119%  2Kazlauskaitė I.
134915:49:461:461:46 -0:11-10%  1Valaitė I.
146115:52:322:461:54 0:5246% 0:448Kazlauskaitė I.
155215:54:452:132:10 0:032%  2Ražaitienė J.
165315:55:380:530:53 -0:01-2%  1Valaitė I.
175415:56:050:270:26 0:014%  3Paužaitė S., Jaugėlienė R.
185615:57:281:231:23     1Valaitė I., Arlauskienė R.
196215:59:021:341:34 -0:27-29%  1Valaitė I.
207515:59:490:470:45 0:024%  3Ražaitienė J., Kazlauskaitė I.
Result38:2534:35 3:14

* the positive difference is between the participants time and the best time, the negative difference is between the participants time if best and the second best time.

** mistake is recorded, if participant is more than 10 seconds behind his graph. Mistakes of more than 1 minute are ignored to calculate graph.