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Marijampolės pirmenybės → Split times

LTU, Zapsys, Veisiejų sav., 2005-05-07

Split times of participant Kvedaravičius Mindaugas

Class V

Course 11.5 km 27 C

Cabsolute intervalbestdifference * Mistake **PlaceSuperman
15413:04:0612:063:14 8:52274% 7:2340Sadeckas D.
26413:08:053:592:58 1:0134%  22Čiapas A.
34513:09:381:330:58 0:3560%  28Beliūnas V.
44013:15:095:314:04 1:2736%  22Sadeckas D.
54213:16:491:401:11 0:2941%  34Liubartas A.
63913:21:364:473:07 1:4053% 0:1431Stulgys D.
73513:23:001:241:03 0:2133%  20Šulčys N.
83313:26:323:322:23 1:0948%  33Sadeckas D.
95213:30:574:252:35 1:5071% 0:3933Šulčys N.
105113:34:343:372:38 0:5937%  18Paužas H.
116213:36:181:441:22 0:2227%  18Paužas H.
125913:38:592:411:49 0:5248%  31Juozulevičius M.
135713:41:432:441:39 1:0566% 0:1937Stulgys D.
143413:51:349:516:14 3:3758% 0:4530Šulčys N.
153613:53:382:041:15 0:4965% 0:1532Stulgys D.
163713:57:023:242:20 1:0446%  34Sabaliauskas G.
175614:03:096:074:16 1:5143%  26Šulčys N.
186314:06:283:192:29 0:5034%  17Stulgys D.
197214:10:093:412:31 1:1046%  25Šulčys N.
203214:12:192:101:30 0:4044%  28Sabaliauskas G., Stulgys D., Sadeckas D.
213814:14:071:481:07 0:4161% 0:1031Sabaliauskas G.
225314:16:192:121:34 0:3840%  24Paužas H., Juozulevičius M.
237014:19:363:172:08 1:0954% 0:1031Paužas H.
244414:21:382:021:36 0:2627%  13Šulčys N.
254614:25:063:282:17 1:1152%  26Sadeckas D.
264314:27:362:302:01 0:2924%  16Stulgys D.
2710014:28:250:490:41 0:0820%  15Sadeckas D.
Result1:36:391:01:00 35:25 58%  9:5524

* the positive difference is between the participants time and the best time, the negative difference is between the participants time if best and the second best time.

** mistake is recorded, if participant is more than 10 seconds behind his graph. Mistakes of more than 1 minute are ignored to calculate graph.