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Marijampolės pirmenybės → Split times

LTU, Zapsys, Veisiejų sav., 2005-05-07

Split times of participant Maliauka Andrius

Class V16

Course 6.3 km 16 C

Cabsolute intervalbestdifference * Mistake **PlaceSuperman
13212:22:104:102:26 1:4471%  31Vidzikauskas T.
26412:32:4810:385:27 5:1195% 0:1927Kokanka T.
34512:37:374:491:12 3:37301% 2:3336Pranckaitis V.
45012:44:557:183:07 4:11134% 1:2425Vidzikauskas T.
53812:49:024:072:09 1:5891%  30Pranckaitis V.
63612:53:384:362:55 1:4158%  29Vidzikauskas T.
73313:02:389:001:46 7:14409% 5:3938Kantauskas P.
83113:06:193:412:06 1:3575%  23Vidzikauskas T.
97113:12:486:292:32 3:57156% 1:4133Vidzikauskas T.
106113:16:183:302:18 1:1252%  27Vidzikauskas T.
116613:18:131:551:04 0:5180%  32Kokanka T.
124913:24:446:312:52 3:39127% 1:0512Janulynas A.
134413:31:046:202:42 3:38135% 1:1314Nakvosas M.
144713:35:013:572:52 1:0538%  21Vidzikauskas T.
154313:36:471:461:29 0:1719%  3Vidzikauskas T.
1610013:37:420:550:48 0:0715%  10Padervinskas Š.
Result1:19:5937:45 41:57 111%  13:5432

* the positive difference is between the participants time and the best time, the negative difference is between the participants time if best and the second best time.

** mistake is recorded, if participant is more than 10 seconds behind his graph. Mistakes of more than 1 minute are ignored to calculate graph.