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Lietuvos taurė → Split times

LTU, Druskininkai, 2005-10-15

Split times of participant Čerikas Titas

Day 2

Class H14

Course 4.0 km 11 C

Cabsolute intervalbestdifference * Mistake **PlaceSuperman
13611:39:354:353:19 1:1638%  14Mickus D.
25811:41:281:531:22 0:3138%  28Šteina A.
37411:43:372:091:45 0:2423%  17Lazdauskas K.
47011:45:382:011:23 0:3846%  22Rybakovas R.
57111:46:220:440:30 0:1447%  25Šironas A.
65411:50:564:343:16 1:1840%  38Daukšys E., Grabauskas E., Raugas N.
75511:54:123:161:57 1:1968% 0:3649Lazdauskas K.
86111:56:482:362:13 0:2317%  13Rybakovas R.
963  2:12      Stankevičius V.
106511:59:54 0:27      Skiudulas M.
1110012:01:121:181:07 0:1116%  8Daukšys E.
Result19:31 6:1437%

* the positive difference is between the participants time and the best time, the negative difference is between the participants time if best and the second best time.

** mistake is recorded, if participant is more than 10 seconds behind his graph. Mistakes of more than 1 minute are ignored to calculate graph.