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Lietuvos taurė → Split times

LTU, Paraudžių miškas, Šiaulių r., 2010-10-16

Split times of participant Gečaitė Kotryna

Day 2

Class D14

Course 2.9 km 14 C

Cabsolute intervalbestdifference * Mistake **PlaceSuperman
13412:11:114:112:49 1:2249%  30Sušinskaitė J.
27212:15:454:343:01 1:3351% 0:1013Gedgaudaitė V.
37412:17:522:071:07 1:0090% 0:2925Kazimieraitytė G.
47512:20:322:401:59 0:4134%  9Šalkauskaitė V.
57912:23:112:392:08 0:3124%  8Sušinskaitė J.
68712:27:264:152:47 1:2853% 0:1216Kerpauskaitė A.
78812:30:493:232:10 1:1356% 0:1318Šalkauskaitė V.
89012:32:301:411:11 0:3042%  26Gedgaudaitė V.
910612:35:092:392:24 0:1510%  9Sušinskaitė J., Juodagalvytė A.
1010512:35:550:460:11 0:35318% 0:3027
Laurutytė V., Milinavičiūtė K.
1110712:37:592:040:10 1:541140% 1:4931
Navikaitė L.
1210812:38:150:160:13 0:0323%  3Bačkytė J.
1310912:38:250:100:08 0:0225%  3Jociūtė K.
14100  0:08      Juodagalvytė A.
Result20:26 11:0755%

* the positive difference is between the participants time and the best time, the negative difference is between the participants time if best and the second best time.

** mistake is recorded, if participant is more than 10 seconds behind his graph. Mistakes of more than 1 minute are ignored to calculate graph.