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Lietuvos ir Latvijos čemp. estafetė → Split times

LAT, Jaunā Forštate, Daugavpils, 2011-02-27

Split times of participant Vilkelienė Danutė

Day 1, leg 2

Class W45

Course 4.1 km 9 C

Cabsolute intervalbestdifference * Mistake **PlaceSuperman
13112:37:4814:048:45 5:1961% 6:574Michailova L.
25712:44:557:077:07 -1:34-22%  1Vilkelienė D.
33412:48:043:093:01 0:084% 0:422Stankevičiūtė I.
44312:53:555:515:51 -0:54-15% 0:211Vilkelienė D.
55412:57:283:333:33 -1:19-37%  1Vilkelienė D.
64613:01:273:593:38 0:2110% 1:022Michailova L.
74913:04:242:572:57 -1:42-58%  1Vilkelienė D.
86413:06:482:242:24 -0:33-23%  1Vilkelienė D.
910013:09:022:142:14 -0:20-15%  1Vilkelienė D.
Result46:4739:30 5:48

* the positive difference is between the participants time and the best time, the negative difference is between the participants time if best and the second best time.

** mistake is recorded, if participant is more than 10 seconds behind his graph. Mistakes of more than 1 minute are ignored to calculate graph.