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Lietuvos čemp. kariuomenės → Split times

LTU, Pūstalaukis, Vilniaus raj., 2011-04-28

Split times of participant Skupas Arūnas


Course 4.1 km 15 C

Cabsolute intervalbestdifference * Mistake **PlaceSuperman
13111:00:554:551:00 3:55392% 3:1039Stulgys D.
23211:02:401:450:59 0:4678%  41Stulgys D., Krėpšta S., Sadeckas D.
33311:04:281:481:09 0:3957%  39Krėpšta S.
43411:06:011:330:55 0:3869%  52Stulgys D., Krėpšta S.
54311:10:544:532:53 2:0069%  32Sadeckas D.
63611:14:103:161:24 1:52133% 0:4954Krėpšta S.
74411:15:531:431:01 0:4269%  25Krėpšta S.
83511:20:104:172:40 1:3761%  23Krėpšta S.
93711:21:531:431:07 0:3654%  12Sadeckas D.
103811:25:223:292:14 1:1556%  29Stulgys D.
114211:27:432:211:20 1:0176%  29Krėpšta S., Sadeckas D.
123911:29:341:511:00 0:5185%  41Stulgys D.
134011:33:033:291:53 1:3685% 0:1247Stulgys D.
144111:34:591:560:52 1:04123% 0:2558Sadeckas D.
1510011:35:530:540:34 0:2059%  43Krėpšta S.
Result40:1821:01 18:52 90%  4:3628

* the positive difference is between the participants time and the best time, the negative difference is between the participants time if best and the second best time.

** mistake is recorded, if participant is more than 10 seconds behind his graph. Mistakes of more than 1 minute are ignored to calculate graph.