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Lietuvos vaikų, jaunučių, jaunių komandinis čempionatas, Kauno taurė → Split times

LTU, Kulautuva, 2011-10-02

Split times of participant Martušytė Monika

Class M16

Course 4.9 km 14 C

Cabsolute intervalbestdifference * Mistake **PlaceSuperman
13212:32:352:352:35 -0:08-5%  1Martušytė M.
23512:35:322:572:30 0:2718%  5Kerpauskaitė A.
36412:42:136:416:10 0:318%  5Kerpauskaitė A.
44712:45:092:562:52 0:042%  4Gurvičiūtė I.
54912:47:112:021:47 0:1514%  3Balčiūnaitė E.
65212:56:139:022:33 6:29254% 6:0827Lipeikytė J.
75412:58:332:202:14 0:064%  4Lipeikytė J., Koženiauskaitė A.
85813:03:385:054:06 0:5924% 0:2610Lipeikytė J.
96013:05:562:181:28 0:5057% 0:3824Lipeikytė J.
106113:08:232:272:03 0:2420%  13Liachovičiūtė S., Martinkutė B.
116313:10:382:151:35 0:4042% 0:2719Lipeikytė J.
125613:11:200:420:42 -0:05-12%  1Martušytė M.
136513:15:143:543:43 0:115%  4Lipeikytė J.
1410013:16:281:141:00 0:1423%  5Lipeikytė J.
Result46:3435:18 11:10

* the positive difference is between the participants time and the best time, the negative difference is between the participants time if best and the second best time.

** mistake is recorded, if participant is more than 10 seconds behind his graph. Mistakes of more than 1 minute are ignored to calculate graph.