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Miestų mačas → Split times

LTU, Žvyriškės, Nemenčinė, Vilniaus r, 2011-10-22

Split times of participant Gedminas Algirdas

Class VB

Course 5.2 km 13 C

Cabsolute intervalbestdifference * Mistake **PlaceSuperman
13212:31:063:062:44 0:2213%  3Janušis G.
25412:32:461:401:40 -0:03-3%  1Gedminas A.
33712:37:314:454:42 0:031%  2Janušis G.
46412:39:171:461:39 0:077%  2Janušis G.
55312:40:341:171:03 0:1422%  3Baleišis Š.
63412:44:424:083:12 0:5629% 0:372Janušis G.
74312:47:142:322:28 0:043%  3Jurgaitis I.
84112:48:401:261:26 -0:13-15%  1Gedminas A.
96112:50:402:001:28 0:3236% 0:235Janušis G.
104712:55:344:544:22 0:3212%  3Janušis G.
115612:57:352:012:00 0:011%  2Janušis G.
125912:59:161:411:34 0:077%  3Janušis G.
1310013:00:591:431:30 0:1314%  3Janušis G.
Result33:0929:48 3:11

* the positive difference is between the participants time and the best time, the negative difference is between the participants time if best and the second best time.

** mistake is recorded, if participant is more than 10 seconds behind his graph. Mistakes of more than 1 minute are ignored to calculate graph.