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Daugiadienės Vilnius → Split times

LTU, Vilniaus apylinkės, 2012-05-04

Split times of participant Žygaitis Dovydas

Day 2

Class M16

Course 6.7 km 18 C

Cabsolute intervalbestdifference * Mistake **PlaceSuperman
16511:30:413:412:13 1:2866% 0:2822Jasaitis I.
26411:34:013:202:44 0:3622%  6Germanavičius M.
36211:36:162:151:41 0:3434%  10Žigilėjus A.
45911:40:264:103:00 1:1039%  11Staišiūnas E.
55811:43:583:321:53 1:3988% 0:4829Jasaitis I., Staišiūnas E.
65511:52:038:055:55 2:1037%  10Germanavičius M.
74311:56:244:213:06 1:1540%  15Žigilėjus A.
84012:02:336:093:20 2:4985% 1:1825Grauželis K.
93712:04:021:290:54 0:3565% 0:1024Daņilovs J.
103412:05:431:411:05 0:3655%  11Daņilovs J.
113612:08:032:201:48 0:3230%  13Žydelis I.
124712:15:557:526:12 1:4027%  19Germanavičius M.
135412:19:103:152:44 0:3119%  9Šegžda D.
146712:26:127:024:53 2:0944%  22Jasaitis I.
156912:29:183:060:47 2:19296% 1:5832Jasaitis I.
167112:36:537:354:41 2:5462% 0:4628Germanavičius M.
177512:40:564:032:49 1:1444%  18Jasaitis I.
1810012:43:052:091:14 0:5574% 0:2122Malinauskas L.
Result1:16:3050:59 25:06 49%  5:4915

* the positive difference is between the participants time and the best time, the negative difference is between the participants time if best and the second best time.

** mistake is recorded, if participant is more than 10 seconds behind his graph. Mistakes of more than 1 minute are ignored to calculate graph.