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Daugiadienės Vilnius → Split times

LTU, Vilniaus apylinkės, 2012-05-04

Split times of participant Lebedis Tadas

Day 2

Class M16

Course 6.7 km 18 C

Cabsolute intervalbestdifference * Mistake **PlaceSuperman
16511:11:224:222:13 2:0997% 0:5726Jasaitis I.
26411:15:244:022:44 1:1848%  19Germanavičius M.
36211:18:122:481:41 1:0766% 0:1224Žigilėjus A.
45911:22:474:353:00 1:3553%  14Staišiūnas E.
55811:26:183:311:53 1:3887% 0:3628Jasaitis I., Staišiūnas E.
65511:36:069:485:55 3:5366% 0:4021Germanavičius M.
74311:40:404:343:06 1:2847%  18Žigilėjus A.
84011:49:368:563:20 5:36168% 3:4733Grauželis K.
93711:50:581:220:54 0:2852%  21Daņilovs J.
103411:52:431:451:05 0:4062%  13Daņilovs J.
113611:55:312:481:48 1:0056%  22Žydelis I.
124712:03:388:076:12 1:5531%  21Germanavičius M.
135412:07:313:532:44 1:0942%  21Šegžda D.
146712:14:296:584:53 2:0543%  21Jasaitis I.
156912:15:501:210:47 0:3472%  26Jasaitis I.
167112:22:567:064:41 2:2552%  23Germanavičius M.
177512:27:204:242:49 1:3556%  22Jasaitis I.
1810012:29:332:131:14 0:5980% 0:1926Malinauskas L.
Result1:23:0550:59 31:34 62%  6:3123

* the positive difference is between the participants time and the best time, the negative difference is between the participants time if best and the second best time.

** mistake is recorded, if participant is more than 10 seconds behind his graph. Mistakes of more than 1 minute are ignored to calculate graph.