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Lietuvos čemp. ilga → Split times

LTU, Dievo krėslo miškas, Telšiai, 2012-08-26

Split times of participant Germanavičius Pranas

Class V14

Course 4.5 km 13 C

Cabsolute intervalbestdifference * Mistake **PlaceSuperman
19112:09:181:181:06 0:1218%  10Mordasas A.
28012:13:574:393:19 1:2040%  9Olbrikis L.
33112:17:313:342:42 0:5232%  14Balčiūnas D.
48412:25:097:385:32 2:0638%  16Kerpis L.
57212:27:212:121:31 0:4145%  16Vaitkus R.
68512:29:392:181:28 0:5057% 0:1321Vaitkus R.
73412:32:322:531:50 1:0357% 0:1623Vaitkus R.
84212:40:378:055:48 2:1739%  7Vaitkus R.
94412:43:332:561:52 1:0457% 0:1617Vaitkus R.
109312:48:184:453:06 1:3953% 0:2021Vaitkus R.
116712:51:563:382:33 1:0542%  16Lipnickas R., Talandis A. P.
123212:54:122:161:38 0:3839%  10Dabravalskis L.
1310012:55:100:580:41 0:1741%  13Lipnickas R.
Result47:2933:06 14:04 42%  1:058

* the positive difference is between the participants time and the best time, the negative difference is between the participants time if best and the second best time.

** mistake is recorded, if participant is more than 10 seconds behind his graph. Mistakes of more than 1 minute are ignored to calculate graph.