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Lietuvos čemp. ilga → Split times

LTU, Dievo krėslo miškas, Telšiai, 2012-08-26

Split times of participant Rimkutė Roberta

Class M14

Course 3.2 km 9 C

Cabsolute intervalbestdifference * Mistake **PlaceSuperman
19111:39:241:241:06 0:1827%  7Rutkauskaitė K.
26911:41:292:051:11 0:5476% 0:3114Juodagalvytė A.
38311:54:2212:536:36 6:1795% 4:0625Zakaraitė K.
43511:58:003:382:37 1:0139%  14Sakalauskaitė K.
53412:02:304:303:09 1:2143% 0:1821Rutkauskaitė K.
66412:07:435:131:06 4:07374% 3:4529Banaitytė G.
76712:15:207:376:16 1:2122%  10Petukaitė A.
83212:17:562:362:07 0:2923%  4Zakaraitė K.
910012:19:141:180:57 0:2137%  16Motiejūnaitė D.
Result41:3625:05 16:09 64%  8:4012

* the positive difference is between the participants time and the best time, the negative difference is between the participants time if best and the second best time.

** mistake is recorded, if participant is more than 10 seconds behind his graph. Mistakes of more than 1 minute are ignored to calculate graph.