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Lietuvos taurė → Split times

LTU, Antaveršis + Anupriškės, 2012-10-20

Split times of participant Statauskaitė Vilma

Day 2

Class M16

Course 3.1 km 12 C

Cabsolute intervalbestdifference * Mistake **PlaceSuperman
17212:11:304:302:47 1:4362% 0:4014Sušinskaitė J.
23812:17:316:014:20 1:4139%  9Sušinskaitė J.
34512:19:241:531:25 0:2833%  6Balčiūnaitė E.
44612:21:071:431:32 0:1112%  4Balčiūnaitė E.
54012:30:319:242:11 7:13331% 6:2318Kerpauskaitė A.
64112:31:571:261:01 0:2541%  9Laurutytė V.
74412:32:440:470:28 0:1968%  13Sušinskaitė J.
86512:44:5812:143:28 8:46253% 7:2719Gedgaudaitė V.
96712:46:211:231:14 0:0912%  8Sušinskaitė J.
106912:48:041:431:24 0:1923%  15Mackevičiūtė A., Sušinskaitė J.
117012:52:124:082:24 1:4472% 0:4919Čaikovskytė K.
1210012:54:362:242:14 0:107%  3Čaikovskytė K.
Result47:4624:28 23:08 95%  15:1914

* the positive difference is between the participants time and the best time, the negative difference is between the participants time if best and the second best time.

** mistake is recorded, if participant is more than 10 seconds behind his graph. Mistakes of more than 1 minute are ignored to calculate graph.