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Daugiadienės Vilnius → Split times

LTU, Vilnius ir apylinkės, 2013-05-10

Split times of participant Ambrazas Ignas

Day 3

Class M14

Course 3.0 km 11 C

Cabsolute intervalbestdifference * Length
min/km Mistake **PlaceSuperman
16210:34:432:332:25 0:086% 25510:00  4Časas T.
24510:39:114:282:35 1:5373% 26416:55 1:3910Bazelis R.
35710:43:003:493:04 0:4524% 31512:06 0:294Daukšys A.
44210:44:511:511:51    11216:31  1Ambrazas I., Zaliauskas P.
55310:48:413:501:36 2:14140% 23916:02 2:067Daukšys A.
64010:52:023:213:21    3778:53  1Ambrazas I., Bazelis R., Zaliauskas P.
73310:55:483:463:14 0:3216% 32811:29 0:158Šumskas L., Bazelis R.
84310:58:452:572:51 0:064% 27210:50  2Šumskas L.
93211:00:131:281:28 -0:02-2% 1619:06  1Ambrazas I.
104411:02:011:481:40 0:088% 2636:50  3Bazelis R., Zaliauskas P.
1110011:03:321:311:16 0:1520% 1738:46  4Bazelis R.
Result31:3725:21 6:01
275911:27 4:293

* the positive difference is between the participants time and the best time, the negative difference is between the participants time if best and the second best time.

** mistake is recorded, if participant is more than 10 seconds behind his graph. Mistakes of more than 1 minute are ignored to calculate graph.