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Lietuvos čemp. ilga → Split times

LTU, Riešės miškas, Vilniaus r., 2013-02-24

Split times of participant Januškevičienė Asta

Class M

Course 11.8 km 19 C

Cabsolute intervalbestdifference * Mistake **PlaceSuperman
13211:10:095:094:09 1:0024%  6Keinaitė G.
23511:16:516:425:05 1:3732%  6Arlauskienė R.
33611:18:261:351:08 0:2740%  6Keinaitė G.
43711:20:201:541:33 0:2123%  5Keinaitė G.
54511:29:138:537:09 1:4424%  4Keinaitė G.
64711:34:014:483:29 1:1938%  8Keinaitė G.
74811:38:544:533:36 1:1736%  7Keinaitė G.
85411:45:547:004:46 2:1447% 0:377Arlauskienė R.
94511:49:103:162:30 0:4631%  7Arlauskienė R.
104411:54:145:044:08 0:5623%  5Paužaitė S.
114212:00:236:094:51 1:1827%  5Keinaitė G.
124312:07:447:215:35 1:4632%  6Arlauskienė R.
134512:12:134:293:26 1:0331%  6Arlauskienė R.
143912:22:089:557:16 2:3936% 0:117Keinaitė G.
155512:31:089:006:25 2:3540% 0:247Arlauskienė R.
165012:35:594:513:29 1:2239% 0:117Arlauskienė R.
175112:40:004:012:31 1:3060% 0:397Arlauskienė R.
185212:44:544:543:35 1:1937%  6Arlauskienė R.
1910012:46:331:391:04 0:3555% 0:138Arlauskienė R.
Result1:41:531:15:45 25:48 34%  2:156

* the positive difference is between the participants time and the best time, the negative difference is between the participants time if best and the second best time.

** mistake is recorded, if participant is more than 10 seconds behind his graph. Mistakes of more than 1 minute are ignored to calculate graph.