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Daugiadienės Telšē → Split times

LTU, Dievo krėslo miškas, Telšiai, 2013-08-16

Split times of participant Kasiulevičius Deividas

Day 3

Class H14

Course 2.0 km 17 C

Cabsolute intervalbestdifference * Length
min/km Mistake **PlaceSuperman
13510:31:391:391:08 0:3146% 1978:22  10Daukšys A.
24910:32:451:060:47 0:1940% 1139:44  5Daukšys A.
35110:33:571:120:51 0:2141% 1687:08  11Daukšys A.
44610:35:011:040:51 0:1325% 1726:12  8Daukšys A.
53410:36:211:200:22 0:58264% 4628:59 0:4514
Daukšys A.
64810:38:051:440:54 0:5093% 10316:49 0:1713
Žvirzdinas G., Mitrikas D.
74110:38:310:260:17 0:0953% 4110:34  15Urbelis M.
85310:39:300:590:48 0:1123% 1715:45  9Daukšys A.
97110:42:303:002:21 0:3928% 3638:15  6Daukšys A.
106110:43:491:190:32 0:47147% 7218:17 0:2811Časas T., Jankevičius A.
115610:45:021:130:43 0:3070% 7017:22  10Klibavičius E.
123810:45:270:250:15 0:1067% 597:03  14Žvirzdinas G.
136410:46:080:410:30 0:1137% 986:58  13Dabravalskis L.
146910:47:411:330:30 1:03210% 6424:13 0:4516
Balčiūnas D.
153210:48:280:470:37 0:1027% 888:54  9Žvirzdinas G.
166510:49:090:410:29 0:1241% 4913:56  13Daukšys A.
1710010:49:210:120:08 0:0450% 355:42  8Daukšys A.
Result19:2712:03 7:1861%
190910:11 2:159

* the positive difference is between the participants time and the best time, the negative difference is between the participants time if best and the second best time.

** mistake is recorded, if participant is more than 10 seconds behind his graph. Mistakes of more than 1 minute are ignored to calculate graph.