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Lietuvos čemp. ilga → Split times

LTU, Trako miškas, 2013-09-08

Split times of participant Žilovas Nedas

Class V16

Course 7.3 km

Cabsolute intervalbestdifference * Mistake **PlaceSuperman
13111:16:391:391:00 0:3965%  27Staišiūnas E.
23311:25:218:423:46 4:56131% 2:2837Germanavičius P.
33611:28:012:401:53 0:4742%  27Germanavičius P., Nenartavičius T.
43411:31:423:411:51 1:5099% 0:3734Staišiūnas E.
56211:36:384:562:43 2:1382% 0:2625Bazelis R.
67011:41:435:053:02 2:0368%  28Narušis D.
79111:54:0112:187:39 4:3961%  26Vaitkus R.
85111:57:033:022:03 0:5948%  27Nenartavičius K.
94211:59:302:271:29 0:5865%  20Staišiūnas E.
104112:00:351:050:44 0:2148%  28Staišiūnas E.
116512:04:073:321:38 1:54116% 0:5032Vaitkus R.
125812:10:516:444:20 2:2455%  25Vaitkus R.
139012:14:263:352:20 1:1554%  27Staišiūnas E.
145212:21:307:044:12 2:5268%  23Mockaitis R.
156712:26:595:292:48 2:4196% 0:5131Saulėnas P.
165012:28:211:220:46 0:3678%  27Brasas J.
177112:32:224:012:52 1:0940%  26Žydelis I.
188112:35:373:152:05 1:1056%  29Saulėnas P.
198712:36:411:040:41 0:2356%  24Žydelis I., Dulius D.
2010012:37:441:030:38 0:2566%  29Dulius D.
Result1:22:5748:30 34:14 71%  5:1223

* the positive difference is between the participants time and the best time, the negative difference is between the participants time if best and the second best time.

** mistake is recorded, if participant is more than 10 seconds behind his graph. Mistakes of more than 1 minute are ignored to calculate graph.