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Lietuvos čemp. ilga → Split times

LTU, Trako miškas, 2013-09-08

Split times of participant Stankutė Tautvydė

Class M16

Course 5.4 km

Cabsolute intervalbestdifference * Mistake **PlaceSuperman
13611:30:305:302:52 2:3892% 0:1718Juodagalvytė A.
23611:41:1010:402:39 8:01303% 5:5124Juodagalvytė A.
33411:46:024:522:03 2:49137% 1:0822Juodagalvytė A.
43711:50:554:532:12 2:41122% 0:5320Gedgaudaitė V.
56211:53:152:201:33 0:4751%  14Juodagalvytė A.
64912:07:2314:086:06 8:02132% 3:0316Motiejūnaitė D.
75212:23:1215:498:18 7:3191% 0:4416Juodagalvytė A.
86912:27:144:022:16 1:4678%  12Rutkauskaitė K.
93512:30:052:511:43 1:0866%  17Gedgaudaitė V.
105012:33:303:251:59 1:2672%  13Statauskaitė V.
118412:36:553:252:05 1:2064%  20Juodagalvytė A.
127212:39:112:161:21 0:5568%  20Juodagalvytė A.
137412:44:575:463:56 1:5047%  15Juodagalvytė A.
148112:48:303:331:53 1:4088%  19Rutkauskaitė K.
158212:49:471:170:35 0:42120% 0:1318Staškevičiūtė R.
1610012:50:571:100:52 0:1835%  19Juodagalvytė A.
Result1:26:1842:23 43:34 103%  12:0918

* the positive difference is between the participants time and the best time, the negative difference is between the participants time if best and the second best time.

** mistake is recorded, if participant is more than 10 seconds behind his graph. Mistakes of more than 1 minute are ignored to calculate graph.