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Daugiadienės VILNIUS → Split times

LTU, Vilnius ir jo apylinkės, 2015-05-08

Split times of participant Galinskas Skirmantas

Day 2

Class M14

Course 5.5 km 14 C

Cabsolute intervalbestdifference * Length
min/km Mistake **PlaceSuperman
13111:16:198:193:39 4:40128% 29528:11 3:1721Mironov A.
23511:19:473:283:26 0:021% 3709:22  3Piličiauskas D.
33411:23:393:522:57 0:5531% 37910:12  5Pierzchała M.
44511:26:513:122:32 0:4026% 3628:50  5Dauknys G.
54111:28:411:501:31 0:1921% 2208:20  6Kaušakys D.
64711:31:583:172:50 0:2716% 3838:34  6Pierzchała M.
77411:42:0810:107:09 3:0142% 86411:46 0:199Lapinskas R.
87311:43:431:351:19 0:1620% 1808:47  7Pierzchała M.
97711:54:0010:176:55 3:2249% 81812:34 0:4511Časas A.
107911:56:542:541:19 1:35120% 20714:00 1:0520Časas A.
118112:05:468:521:38 7:14443% 20443:27 6:3729Velde A.
128312:10:244:381:48 2:50157% 22920:13 2:0923Pierzchała M.
138412:14:314:072:11 1:5689% 33212:23 1:0622Kaušakys D.
1410012:18:474:163:21 0:5527% 4419:40  8Kaušakys D.
 Fin12:19:340:470:35 0:1234% 2033:51  18Velde A.
Result1:11:3443:10 28:24 66%  548713:02 15:1811

* the positive difference is between the participants time and the best time, the negative difference is between the participants time if best and the second best time.

** mistake is recorded, if participant is more than 10 seconds behind his graph. Mistakes of more than 1 minute are ignored to calculate graph.