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Lietuvos vaikų, jaunučių, jaunių komandinis čempionatas, Šilo ir LKSK taurė → Split times

LTU, Prienai, 2015-09-26

Split times of participant Vymeris Marius


Course 5.2 km 12 C

Cabsolute intervalbestdifference * Length
min/km Mistake **PlaceSuperman
16412:26:273:272:38 0:4931% 4877:05  17Krėpšta S.
24312:29:483:212:31 0:5033% 5655:55  9Krėpšta S.
34512:35:405:524:22 1:3034% 8866:37  12Krėpšta S.
46712:41:506:102:18 3:52168% 42514:30 3:0626Stulgys D.
55912:44:593:092:19 0:5036% 5026:16  14Krėpšta S.
63112:46:511:521:33 0:1920% 3315:38  7Krėpšta S.
76912:47:430:520:43 0:0921% 1625:20  10Krėpšta S.
84912:49:291:461:25 0:2125% 2906:05  5Krėpšta S.
93512:51:562:271:50 0:3734% 4135:55  19Krėpšta S.
105312:54:583:022:04 0:5847% 3827:56 0:1726Krėpšta S.
115812:57:292:311:48 0:4340% 4106:08  22Krėpšta S.
1210012:58:120:430:34 0:0926% 1295:33  12Krėpšta S.
 Fin12:58:200:080:07 0:0114% 751:46  8Červonka P., Banaitis A., Juršėnas G., Stulgys M., Krėpšta S., Songinas V., Pajaujis S.
Result35:2024:12 11:08 46%  50576:59 3:2314

* the positive difference is between the participants time and the best time, the negative difference is between the participants time if best and the second best time.

** mistake is recorded, if participant is more than 10 seconds behind his graph. Mistakes of more than 1 minute are ignored to calculate graph.