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Daugiadienės VILNIUS → Split times

LTU, Vilnius ir jo apylinkės, 2016-05-13

Split times of participant Rimkus Mantas

Day 2

Class M

Course 13.3 km 26 C

Cabsolute intervalbestdifference * Length
min/km Mistake **PlaceSuperman
13112:53:273:273:27 -0:03-1% 4347:56  1Rimkus M.
23312:57:213:542:55 0:5934% 38410:09 0:4612Voveris E.
33512:58:341:131:13 -0:03-4% 1547:54  1Rimkus M.
43713:04:045:304:15 1:1529% 6438:33 0:5516Krapivko D.
53813:05:431:391:31 0:089% 2396:54  6Salodkin S.
63913:07:421:591:44 0:1514% 3325:58  3Storpirštis K.
74213:11:113:293:29 -0:01-0% 5796:00  1Rimkus M.
84413:12:581:471:43 0:044% 3015:55  3Alminas R.
94913:23:4910:5110:05 0:468% 17316:16  4Krapivko D.
105113:27:313:423:36 0:063% 5606:36  2Bacys M.
115213:31:063:353:35 -0:21-10% 4867:22  1Rimkus M.
125313:31:290:230:23 -0:01-4% 705:28  1Rimkus M.
135413:35:163:472:47 1:0036% 4728:00 0:4722Kuzminskis T.
145513:36:150:590:54 0:059% 1436:52  6Alminas R.
155913:45:559:407:15 2:2533% 11108:42 1:5214Bacys M.
166113:46:410:460:45 0:012% 1186:29  3Voveris E., Martinkus M.
176713:51:144:334:33 -0:06-2% 7815:49  1Rimkus M.
186413:55:574:432:25 2:1895% 32414:33 2:0727Salodkin S.
194614:00:054:084:01 0:073% 6925:58  4Bacys M.
204714:02:232:182:04 0:1411% 2957:47  4Krapivko D.
216214:09:116:486:48 -0:07-2% 10726:20  1Rimkus M.
226314:11:572:462:29 0:1711% 4685:54  7Bacys M.
237014:14:102:131:56 0:1715% 3236:51  3Bacys M.
247314:19:495:395:19 0:206% 6478:43  2Bacys M.
257814:23:574:083:47 0:219% 5527:29  5Martinkus M.
2610014:25:221:251:17 0:0810% 2525:37  11Kuzminskis T.
 Fin14:25:500:280:21 0:0733% 1134:07  12Daves F.
Result1:35:501:24:37 11:13
132757:13 6:273

* the positive difference is between the participants time and the best time, the negative difference is between the participants time if best and the second best time.

** mistake is recorded, if participant is more than 10 seconds behind his graph. Mistakes of more than 1 minute are ignored to calculate graph.