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Lietuvos vaikų, jaunučių, jaunių komandinis čempionatas, Karšuvos ir LKSK tau → Split times

LTU, Pašventys, Jurbarko r., 2016-09-24

Split times of participant Solomatova Karolina

Class M14

Course 3.6 km 10 C

Cabsolute intervalbestdifference * Length
min/km Mistake **PlaceSuperman
14212:14:341:340:57 0:3765% 9616:19  11Girinskytė M.
24712:22:267:521:57 5:55303% 27029:08 3:5816Gedgaudaitė N.
34612:29:337:073:21 3:46112% 46115:26 0:2515Gedgaudaitė N.
45212:32:322:591:44 1:1572% 23312:48  12Gedgaudaitė N.
56312:40:468:143:38 4:36127% 49816:31 0:5818Gedgaudaitė N.
67012:43:182:321:28 1:0473% 19213:11  15Gedgaudaitė N.
74312:56:2013:025:58 7:04118% 90414:25 1:0719Gedgaudaitė N.
83613:06:5010:303:05 7:25241% 44423:38 4:2017Gedgaudaitė N.
94013:12:265:361:30 4:06273% 20327:35 2:3617Gedgaudaitė N.
1010013:14:422:161:38 0:3839% 19311:44  4Gedgaudaitė N.
 Fin13:15:120:300:24 0:0625% 816:10  13Laurinaitytė O.
Result1:02:1225:40 36:32 142%  357517:23 13:2415

* the positive difference is between the participants time and the best time, the negative difference is between the participants time if best and the second best time.

** mistake is recorded, if participant is more than 10 seconds behind his graph. Mistakes of more than 1 minute are ignored to calculate graph.