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Lietuvos taurė → Split times

LTU, Vidzgiris, Radžiūnai. Alytus, 2017-10-14

Split times of participant Viliūnas Gintautas

Day 2

Class MN

Course 4.0 km 12 C

Cabsolute intervalbestdifference * Length
min/km Mistake **PlaceSuperman
13111:02:282:281:58 0:3025% 16914:35  4Baranauskas M.
24611:12:239:555:02 4:5397% 71513:52 2:228Baranauskas M.
338  1:36    212    Zaveckas A.
43711:25:36 1:24    203    Baranauskas M.
54711:27:121:361:06 0:3045% 14111:20  4Harbunov I.
67811:32:215:093:04 2:0568% 47210:54 0:336Zaveckas A.
77711:36:344:132:14 1:5989% 29014:32 0:527Janonis L.
85411:41:244:503:49 1:0127% 5628:36  6Harbunov I.
98111:44:283:041:56 1:0859% 3718:15 0:106Kruhlenia A.
105611:46:352:071:30 0:3741% 11218:53  6Harbunov I.
117511:56:289:532:10 7:43356% 25938:09 6:388Zaveckas A.
1210011:58:512:231:34 0:4952% 20911:24  7Zaveckas A.
 Fin11:59:090:180:15 0:0320% 1701:45  3Harbunov I.
Result27:38 21:18 86%  3885  10:35 

* the positive difference is between the participants time and the best time, the negative difference is between the participants time if best and the second best time.

** mistake is recorded, if participant is more than 10 seconds behind his graph. Mistakes of more than 1 minute are ignored to calculate graph.