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SM Gaja sprinto taurė → Split times

LTU, Kaunas, 2017-11-25

Split times of participant Jančiauskas Augustas

Day 3

Class V14

Course 2.5 km 14 C

Cabsolute intervalbestdifference * Length
min/km Mistake **PlaceSuperman
15611:27:350:350:33 0:026% 1015:46  2Razutis E.
24511:29:031:281:11 0:1724% 2246:32  5Aukštuolis E.
34411:29:440:410:22 0:1986% 6810:02  24Razutis E.
44211:30:481:040:43 0:2149% 1437:27  21Vaškevičius G.
53911:32:331:451:01 0:4472% 2217:55  28Aukštuolis E.
63411:36:073:341:12 2:22197% 21816:21 1:3332Aukštuolis E.
73811:38:051:581:13 0:4562% 2019:47  24Aukštuolis E.
83311:39:171:120:57 0:1526% 1697:06  15Gineika J., Aukštuolis E.
93711:40:201:030:46 0:1737% 10110:23  14Aukštuolis E.
103211:41:421:220:44 0:3886% 1379:58  25Aukštuolis E.
113111:44:102:281:17 1:1192% 20412:05 0:1930Launikonis E.
125311:46:061:561:13 0:4359% 2427:59  26Aukštuolis E.
134011:46:500:440:33 0:1133% 1056:59  26Aukštuolis E., Viskontas T.
1410011:47:090:190:13 0:0646% 644:56  4Gineika J.
 Fin11:47:240:150:11 0:0436% 604:10  12Pileckas J., Gineika J., Vaškevičius G.
Result20:2412:09 8:15 68%  22589:02 1:5224

* the positive difference is between the participants time and the best time, the negative difference is between the participants time if best and the second best time.

** mistake is recorded, if participant is more than 10 seconds behind his graph. Mistakes of more than 1 minute are ignored to calculate graph.