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Lietuvos orientavimosi sporto bėgte čempionatas vidutinėje trasoje → Split times

LTU, Tiltiškių k. Zarasų r., 2021-06-12

Split times of participant Drazdauskas Feliksas

Class V12

Course 1.9 km 8 C

Cabsolute intervalbestdifference * Length
min/km Mistake **PlaceSuperman
132  1:52    201    Jokubauskis T.
235  2:25    368    Rudys A.
336  1:24    190    Stankūnas M.
465  2:27    217    Murėnas A.
567  1:36    222    Rudys A.
66914:36:10 1:53    187    Papreckis P.
77014:38:332:231:17 1:0686% 15115:47  13Rudys A., Jokubauskis T.
810014:41:042:311:29 1:0270% 16515:15  24Kantas J.
 Fin14:41:200:160:12 0:0433% 853:08  30Narkevičius A., Murėnas A., Kantas J.
Result12:5114:35 2:12 74%  17867:11   

* the positive difference is between the participants time and the best time, the negative difference is between the participants time if best and the second best time.

** mistake is recorded, if participant is more than 10 seconds behind his graph. Mistakes of more than 1 minute are ignored to calculate graph.