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Lietuvos orientavimosi sporto bėgte čempionatas mišri sprinto estafetė → Split times

LTU, Šiauliai, 2022-06-12

Split times of participant Blažukas Laertas

Day 1, leg 3

Class MV14

Course 2.2 km 15 C

Cabsolute intervalbestdifference * Length
min/km Mistake **PlaceSuperman
19111:32:371:411:10 0:3144% 15610:47  14Simonavičius G.
25611:33:451:080:37 0:3184% 1209:26  18Simonavičius G.
38211:34:350:500:30 0:2067% 1057:56  16Nevulis D.
45811:35:040:290:16 0:1381% 4111:47  20Drūlia T.
55211:36:211:170:47 0:3064% 1608:01  19Radžvilas A.
66011:37:371:160:53 0:2343% 12410:12  16Perminas M.
76911:38:501:130:39 0:3487% 10611:28  20Baltrušaitis E., Jokubauskis T.
85911:39:501:000:33 0:2782% 1119:00  18Kantas J.
94411:41:381:481:03 0:4571% 10816:40  20Jokubauskis T.
107111:42:431:050:34 0:3191% 8612:35  37Tervydavičius D.
114011:43:380:550:38 0:1745% 1257:20  17Jokubauskis T., Simonavičius G.
127011:45:231:451:01 0:4472% 9718:02  16Kantas J., Jokubauskis T.
136111:46:120:490:35 0:1440% 829:57  33Jokubauskis T.
143111:48:122:000:37 1:23224% 8324:05 0:5617Radžvilas A.
1510011:49:000:480:32 0:1650% 1087:24  17Radžvilas A.
 Fin11:49:150:150:10 0:0550% 663:47  41Nevulis D., Kantas J., Rubežius K., Tervydavičius D., Majauskas M.
Result18:1910:35 7:44 73%  167810:54 0:5614

* the positive difference is between the participants time and the best time, the negative difference is between the participants time if best and the second best time.

** mistake is recorded, if participant is more than 10 seconds behind his graph. Mistakes of more than 1 minute are ignored to calculate graph.