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Atviras Prienų OS čempionatas → Split times

LTU, Giraitiškių miškas, Prienų r., 2022-04-10

Split times of participant Mockaitytė Žemyna

Class M14

Course 2.4 km 9 C

Cabsolute intervalbestdifference * Length
min/km Mistake **PlaceSuperman
13912:42:2713:274:40 8:47188% 43830:42 7:4811Biržinytė Ž.
23212:59:0316:364:22 12:14280% 30254:58 11:1912Borusevičiūtė E.
33413:01:372:342:34 -0:01-1% 22411:27  1Mockaitytė Ž.
44113:06:495:122:34 2:38103% 31116:43 2:0610Biržinytė Ž.
57013:08:111:221:22    12610:50  1Mockaitytė Ž., Jurevičiūtė U.
65013:12:584:473:37 1:1032% 16329:20 0:257Biržinytė Ž.
74813:17:194:213:14 1:0735% 20221:32 0:263Dalkievič J.
87113:30:5813:393:23 10:16303% 27050:33 9:3313Dalkievič J.
910013:32:161:181:02 0:1626% 1747:28  4Subatkytė R.
 Fin13:32:370:210:20 0:015% 953:41  2Biržinytė Ž.
Result1:03:3727:08 36:29
230527:35 31:3712

* the positive difference is between the participants time and the best time, the negative difference is between the participants time if best and the second best time.

** mistake is recorded, if participant is more than 10 seconds behind his graph. Mistakes of more than 1 minute are ignored to calculate graph.