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Lietuvos orientavimosi sporto bėgte čempionatas vidutinėje trasoje → Split times

LTU, Dirkliškių miškas, Trakų r., 2022-04-30

Split times of participant Aleksiejūnas Martynas

Class V16

Course 3.5 km 16 C

Cabsolute intervalbestdifference * Length
min/km Mistake **PlaceSuperman
14314:43:331:331:18 0:1519% 12212:42  18Juknevičius D.
27514:53:199:462:31 7:15288% 38725:14 5:0644Dienys A.
36414:54:431:240:50 0:3468% 12411:17  33Miežinis D.
45415:01:146:313:23 3:0893% 38217:03 0:1435Juknevičius D.
54215:02:201:060:42 0:2457% 8013:45  24Subatkis V., Grašys A.
65915:06:294:091:56 2:13115% 24716:48 0:3436Juknevičius D.
76715:08:071:380:50 0:4896% 10415:42  27Petrauskas K.
87815:13:075:002:22 2:38111% 33614:52 0:3636Tarulis D.
93315:16:513:442:06 1:3878% 23615:49  31Kriukas M.
105115:18:421:511:12 0:3954% 15112:15  25Rutkauskas D.
113115:22:073:252:07 1:1861% 26013:08  37Dienys A.
126015:25:303:231:12 2:11182% 17819:00 1:0937Jumatovas E.
135815:26:170:470:36 0:1131% 928:30  12Vainikevičius M.
143915:27:411:240:38 0:46121% 8117:17 0:1336Miežinis D.
154815:35:167:352:41 4:54183% 43517:25 2:3641Dienys A.
1610015:35:410:250:19 0:0632% 686:07  16Pasiaura T.
 Fin15:36:020:210:14 0:0750% 893:55  35Mackevičius T., Učkuronis A.
Result54:0224:57 29:05 117%  337216:01 10:2838

* the positive difference is between the participants time and the best time, the negative difference is between the participants time if best and the second best time.

** mistake is recorded, if participant is more than 10 seconds behind his graph. Mistakes of more than 1 minute are ignored to calculate graph.