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Aeronautikos penkiakovė → Split times

LTU, Panemunė, 2022-04-29

Split times of participant Kaunietis Jevgenijus


Course 5.2 km 19 C

Cabsolute intervalbestdifference * Length
min/km Mistake **PlaceSuperman
1319:50:1422:141:12 21:021753% 2351:34:36 18:396Kantauskas P.
2419:56:446:301:35 4:55311% 25026:00 1:475Kantauskas P.
3359:59:422:581:10 1:48154% 18715:51  6Ruzgas D.
44510:03:323:501:52 1:58105% 32111:56  6Kantauskas P.
54210:08:134:411:25 3:16231% 24519:06 0:286Ruzgas D.
639  1:53    302    Ruzgas D.
737  3:14    420    Kantauskas P.
834  1:38    279    Kantauskas P.
947  1:26    238    Ruzgas D.
1043  0:52    158    Ruzgas D.
1137  2:22    296    Kantauskas P.
1248  2:14    290    Kantauskas P.
1346  0:46    106    Ruzgas D.
1444  1:19    236    Ruzgas D.
1537  1:44    246    Kantauskas P.
1640  1:26    234    Kislerevičius J.
1736  0:59    165    Kislerevičius J.
1833  2:58    574    Kislerevičius J.
1938  1:37    338    Kislerevičius J.
 Fin10:19:37 0:13    51    Kantauskas P.
Result51:3731:55 32:59 456%  51719:58 20:54 

* the positive difference is between the participants time and the best time, the negative difference is between the participants time if best and the second best time.

** mistake is recorded, if participant is more than 10 seconds behind his graph. Mistakes of more than 1 minute are ignored to calculate graph.