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Klubų taurė → Split times

LTU, Kaukinės miškas, Nemaitonių sen., 2022-09-04

Split times of participant Gedminas Gintaras

Day 1, leg 4

Class KOM

Course 4.2 km 14 C

Cabsolute intervalbestdifference * Length
min/km Mistake **PlaceSuperman
13113:27:089:192:09 7:10333% 25436:40 4:2940Ambrazas S.
23413:31:264:182:12 2:0695% 31813:31  28Liubinskas J.
35713:35:163:502:02 1:4889% 34111:14  34Grikšas R.
46313:41:065:503:32 2:1865% 6489:00  67Kuzminskis T.
54513:45:033:571:32 2:25158% 25915:15 0:3035Kuzminskis T.
64713:50:135:102:26 2:44112% 37113:55  32Kuzminskis T.
75013:54:184:052:23 1:4271% 37011:02  74Barkauskas A.
86413:58:464:281:47 2:41150% 31614:08 0:28103Ambrazas S.
96714:04:405:541:38 4:16261% 26122:36 2:1438Grašys V.
105314:05:350:550:34 0:2162% 7112:54  27Grašys V.
116114:12:116:362:09 4:27207% 29322:31 1:46115Ambrazas S.
125514:17:405:291:01 4:28439% 13939:26 3:12125Kuzminskis T.
135814:22:405:001:42 3:18194% 25419:41 1:11111Kuzminskis T.
1410014:23:250:450:39 0:0615% 1156:31  13Paužas A., Tilūnas V.
 Fin14:23:360:110:06 0:0583% 931:58  26Galičinas A.
Result1:05:4725:52 39:55 154%  410316:01 13:5036

* the positive difference is between the participants time and the best time, the negative difference is between the participants time if best and the second best time.

** mistake is recorded, if participant is more than 10 seconds behind his graph. Mistakes of more than 1 minute are ignored to calculate graph.