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Lietuvos taurė → Split times

LTU, Gražutė, Zarasų raj., 2023-10-21

Split times of participant Dambrauskas Algimantas

Day 2

Class MINI

Course 0.2 km 10 C

Cabsolute intervalbestdifference * Length
min/km Mistake **PlaceSuperman
18711:06:400:190:09 0:10111%     33Astrauskienė L., Genys V.
26511:06:440:040:01 0:03300%     14Pabrėža R., Andrašiūnienė G.
37011:07:000:160:07 0:09129% 8050:19  24Bartkevičius A.
44811:07:060:060:01 0:05500% 9390:06  22Pabrėža R., Bartkevičius A., Bartkevičiūtė A.
53711:07:210:150:07 0:08114% 8620:17  23Stankevič R., Mackevičius T.
63411:07:320:110:06 0:0583% 5770:19  17Stankevič R., Mackevičius T.
76411:07:440:120:07 0:0571% 12380:09  18Učkuronis A.
87311:07:570:130:06 0:07117% 5940:21  28Krėpšta S., Staišiūnas V., Bacevičiūtė M., Mackevičius T.
93211:08:060:090:03 0:06200% 14970:06  23Stankevič R., Balčiūnas V., Liandzbergas M., Bacevičiūtė M., Bartkevičiūtė A.
104411:08:330:270:01 0:262600% 9590:28 0:2440Liandzbergas M.
 Fin11:08:470:140:10 0:0440%     33Stankevič R., Krėpšta S., Murėnas A.
Result2:260:58 1:28 152%  74710:19 0:2424

* the positive difference is between the participants time and the best time, the negative difference is between the participants time if best and the second best time.

** mistake is recorded, if participant is more than 10 seconds behind his graph. Mistakes of more than 1 minute are ignored to calculate graph.