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Lietuvos orientavimosi sporto bėgte čempionatas mišri sprinto estafetė → Split times

LTU, Šilutė, 2023-06-11

Split times of participant Paužas Antanas

Day 1, leg 3

Class MV65

Course 2.0 km 14 C

Cabsolute intervalbestdifference * Length
min/km Mistake **PlaceSuperman
14811:30:081:241:16 0:0811% 2585:25 0:104Kireilis S.
24111:30:390:310:31 -0:07-23% 2701:54  1Paužas A.
33111:31:040:250:25 -0:01-4% 2551:38  1Paužas A.
44011:31:510:470:44 0:037% 2483:09  2Jovaišas R.
58511:32:050:140:14    2141:05  1Paužas A., Bagdonas A.
67211:32:480:430:39 0:0410% 1504:46  4Ulevičius H.
76511:33:330:450:41 0:0410% 2902:35  3Bagdonas A.
89211:35:211:481:48 -0:26-24% 5103:31  1Paužas A.
99111:37:242:032:03 -0:31-25% 19510:30  1Paužas A.
104411:38:351:111:11 -0:22-31% 5572:07  1Paužas A.
115911:39:000:250:21 0:0419% 1083:51  2Bagdonas A.
127411:39:200:200:19 0:015% 4730:42  2Bagdonas A.
135111:40:281:080:26 0:42162% 3323:24 0:434Bagdonas A.
1410011:41:040:360:36 -0:01-3% 1454:08  1Paužas A.
 Fin11:41:160:120:12    573:30  1Paužas A., Dūda K.
Result12:3211:26 1:06
40623:05 0:531

* the positive difference is between the participants time and the best time, the negative difference is between the participants time if best and the second best time.

** mistake is recorded, if participant is more than 10 seconds behind his graph. Mistakes of more than 1 minute are ignored to calculate graph.