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Lietuvos orientavimosi sporto bėgte čempionatas mišri sprinto estafetė → Split times

LTU, Šilutė, 2023-06-11

Split times of participant Liudžiūtė Ieva

Day 1, leg 4

Class MV14

Course 2.4 km 14 C

Cabsolute intervalbestdifference * Length
min/km Mistake **PlaceSuperman
14811:47:441:201:01 0:1931% 2585:10  13Zhuravleva M.
24111:48:170:330:25 0:0832% 2702:02  8Naujokaitė A.
33111:48:420:250:20 0:0525% 2551:38  8Naujokaitė A.
44011:49:320:500:41 0:0922% 2483:21  23Bernikas D., Zhuravleva M.
53911:50:501:180:54 0:2444% 2225:51  25Zhuravleva M.
66511:51:470:570:47 0:1021% 2773:25  20Minčinauskytė G.
76011:53:241:371:25 0:1214% 3235:00  17Zhuravleva M.
88111:56:433:192:16 1:0346% 23514:06 0:2311Naujokaitė A.
94411:57:461:030:56 0:0713% 8911:47  4Astrauskaitė A.
105911:58:090:230:18 0:0528% 1083:32  14Pundzevičiūtė L., Borusevičiūtė E.
117411:58:290:200:15 0:0533% 4730:42  18Bernikas D., Zhuravleva M.
124611:59:070:380:28 0:1036% 5011:15  9Bernikas D., Jieznytė S.
137311:59:300:230:22 0:015% 4910:46  2Minčinauskytė G.
1410012:00:160:460:34 0:1235% 2343:16  10Andrijauskaitė E.
 Fin12:00:240:080:06 0:0233% 572:20  3Bernikas D.
Result14:0010:48 3:12 30%  40413:27 0:237

* the positive difference is between the participants time and the best time, the negative difference is between the participants time if best and the second best time.

** mistake is recorded, if participant is more than 10 seconds behind his graph. Mistakes of more than 1 minute are ignored to calculate graph.