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Klubų taurė → Split times

LTU, Juodaklonio k., Trakų r., 2023-09-02

Split times of participant Stankūnas Mindaugas

Day 1, leg 4

Class X

Course 4.2 km 13 C

Cabsolute intervalbestdifference * Length
min/km Mistake **PlaceSuperman
13914:27:4514:092:38 11:31437% 41534:05 9:0333Juknevičius D.
27714:31:313:462:34 1:1247% 4198:59  15Juknevičius D.
34914:38:126:413:13 3:28108% 48013:55 0:2727Dienys A.
47214:48:2010:083:18 6:50207% 51619:38 3:4433Dienys A.
57014:51:533:331:35 1:58124% 25513:55 0:2995Sabaliauskas G.
66514:57:596:062:32 3:34141% 34117:53 1:1131Barkauskas A.
75015:04:176:183:31 2:4779% 55711:18  26Dienys A.
85215:05:261:090:44 0:2557% 1656:58  67Valantinas G.
97415:06:591:330:53 0:4075% 11513:28  21Grikšas R.
105815:11:284:292:00 2:29124% 30414:44 0:3632Kriukas M.
116215:13:512:231:12 1:1199% 19512:13  28Valantinas G.
127315:16:052:141:17 0:5774% 17312:54  30Grikšas R.
1310015:16:500:450:33 0:1236% 987:39  38Jaseliūnas R.
 Fin15:17:110:210:13 0:0862% 864:04  45Biržinis L., Rudys A.
Result1:03:3526:13 37:22 143%  411915:26 15:3029

* the positive difference is between the participants time and the best time, the negative difference is between the participants time if best and the second best time.

** mistake is recorded, if participant is more than 10 seconds behind his graph. Mistakes of more than 1 minute are ignored to calculate graph.