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Lietuvos vaikų, jaunučių, jaunių komandinis čempionatas → Split times

LTU, Alnė, Molėtų r., 2023-08-20

Split times of participant Arlauskas Antanas

Class V14

Course 2.9 km 10 C

Cabsolute intervalbestdifference * Length
min/km Mistake **PlaceSuperman
13412:23:242:241:25 0:5969%    0:2037Balčiūnas V.
23612:25:572:332:06 0:2721% 13451:53  3Dubauskis J.
33712:28:542:572:09 0:4837% 4506:33  17Pakarnis V.
43812:30:051:110:57 0:1425% 2624:30  15Kriukas O.
56212:32:172:121:43 0:2928%     18Tunkevičius M.
65412:34:041:471:22 0:2530%     12Balčiūnas V.
75512:39:365:323:01 2:3183% 7097:48 1:078Balčiūnas V.
86512:43:554:193:02 1:1742%     13Murėnas A.
95912:47:323:372:17 1:2058%    0:1718Paužas E.
1010012:48:391:070:51 0:1631%     29Paužas E., Pečiulis J., Sukauskas D., Kriukas O., Stumbras V.
 Fin12:49:160:370:27 0:1037% 1454:15  26Radvilavičius N.
Result28:1619:20 8:56 46%  29119:42 1:447

* the positive difference is between the participants time and the best time, the negative difference is between the participants time if best and the second best time.

** mistake is recorded, if participant is more than 10 seconds behind his graph. Mistakes of more than 1 minute are ignored to calculate graph.