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Kauno estafetė → Split times

LTU, Kriaučiškės, Kaišiadorių r., 2024-03-30

Split times of participant Sriubaitė Eva

Day 1, leg 1

Class M14

Course 2.9 km 12 C

Cabsolute intervalbestdifference * Length
min/km Mistake **PlaceSuperman
16212:23:233:230:27 2:56652% 27112:29 3:064Paplauskaitė G.
25112:24:210:580:58 -0:12-21% 1247:47 0:151Sriubaitė E.
37812:27:303:092:52 0:1710% 3858:10 1:242Liudžiūtė I.
45812:30:072:372:37 -1:43-66% 2998:45  1Sriubaitė E.
53112:32:372:301:49 0:4138% 23810:30 1:235Liudžiūtė I.
67012:34:372:001:47 0:1312% 5603:34 0:553Archipovaitė Ž.
73512:39:224:454:45 -3:34-75% 12837:06  1Sriubaitė E.
86512:41:442:222:22 -1:55-81% 17513:31  1Sriubaitė E.
94012:44:232:392:19 0:2014% 24610:46 1:142Liudžiūtė I.
105312:53:168:533:11 5:42179% 25834:25 6:563Taparauskaitė J.
115912:54:441:281:28 -0:58-66% 1599:13  1Sriubaitė E.
1210012:55:280:440:44 -0:08-18% 1365:23 0:121Sriubaitė E.
 Fin12:55:550:270:25 0:028% 1124:01 0:122Archipovaitė Ž.
Result35:5525:44 10:11
309111:37 15:371

* the positive difference is between the participants time and the best time, the negative difference is between the participants time if best and the second best time.

** mistake is recorded, if participant is more than 10 seconds behind his graph. Mistakes of more than 1 minute are ignored to calculate graph.