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Alytaus taurė → Split times

LTU, Balninkų miškas, Alytaus r., 2024-09-14

Split times of participant Dienytė Margarita

Class M16

Course 4.5 km 11 C

Cabsolute intervalbestdifference * Length
min/km Mistake **PlaceSuperman
13612:12:012:012:01 -0:01-1% 2827:09  1Dienytė M.
23812:15:573:563:00 0:5631% 4089:38 0:413Stankevičiūtė G.
34012:25:529:558:26 1:2918% 11768:25 0:482Stankevičiūtė G.
44912:27:321:401:38 0:022% 1958:32  2Stankevičiūtė G.
54812:29:502:182:18 -0:19-14% 2868:02  1Dienytė M.
66512:34:494:594:33 0:2610% 45311:00  2Stankevičiūtė G.
77312:36:582:092:09 -0:07-5% 3077:00  1Dienytė M.
87412:39:052:072:07 -0:18-14% 2987:06  1Dienytė M.
96412:40:491:441:21 0:2328% 1839:28 0:162Stankevičiūtė G.
105212:42:502:012:01 -0:02-2% 3375:59  1Dienytė M.
1110012:44:341:441:39 0:055% 3564:52  2Stankevičiūtė G.
 Fin12:45:100:360:36 -0:01-3% 1563:50  1Dienytė M.
Result35:1031:49 3:21
44377:55 1:452

* the positive difference is between the participants time and the best time, the negative difference is between the participants time if best and the second best time.

** mistake is recorded, if participant is more than 10 seconds behind his graph. Mistakes of more than 1 minute are ignored to calculate graph.